
Department of Transportation (DOT) /Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Services
Chemical Dependency/Alcohol Problems

As an expert in substance abuse related disorders Jeanette Love will evaluate employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation and will make recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing and aftercare. Jeanette Love will provide assistance with recovery and educational resources for supervisors and employees on substance related issues. Jeanette will provide expert consultation to supervisors on confronting potential drug abusers and making appropriate referrals to encourage the successful completion of a substance abuse program.

Employee Assistance

As a Certified Employee Assistance Professional Jeanette Love will provide support and counseling to employees and their families on a wide range of workplace and family related problems that may affect job performance. Jeanette will provide confidential assessment of employees and may offer short term counseling on marriage and family problems, stress related problem’s and psychological and workplace conflicts.

Formal Management/Mandatory Referrals

Jeanette Love will provide expert consultation on progressive discipline and return to duty recommendations related to employee performance and safety related issues. Jeanette Love will assess employees with documented on the job performance issues and/or violations of company policies. Employee’s job’s who may be in jeopardy due to performance, attendance and/or behavioral issues while at work may benefit from the assistance of a trained professional. Communication related to the employee’s attendance, compliance and other case management logistics will be provided with a signed release of information by the referred employee.

Wellness Trainings

Jeanette Love specializes in Training & Development. She is an expert public speaker and certified competent communicator well versed in an array of Wellness topics. Such topics include: coping with change; work-life balance; health, humor & happiness; stress management; communication; dealing with difficult people and leadership. The suggested length of each training is between 1-2 hours and can be tailored to each organizations needs, industry type and specific issues prevalent within one’s organization.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefings

Jeanette Love provides various types of Critical Incident Stress Debriefings & Interventions in response to traumatic events. As an expert in facilitating formal, highly structured and professionally recognized process for helping those involved in a critical incident to share their experiences, vent emotions, learn about stress reactions and symptoms and given referral for further help if required.


As a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) Jeanette counsels individuals, couples and families in the context of family and marital relationships. Jeanette specializes in issues surrounding Depression, Stress, Grief & Loss, Substance Abuse, Pain Management & Emotional Difficulties.

Adult Children of Alcoholics
Alcoholics Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Nicotine Anonymous
Quit Smoking

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